Thursday, February 10, 2011

Printer Port Reader

This program allows you to watch the status of the bits in printer port memory.
You can also toggle on and off the data and control pins.
Check out screen shots here:

Monday, July 30, 2007


I have been an electrician so long now its hard to remember.
I have been inclined to post a few ideas here, and maybe some general info that might help someone else along the way.
Though this blog is named for relays, it may include other things I decide to put on here.
When I first started working in the field of industrial electricity, everything was done with relays.
Now we have fancy smancy PLC's and other high tech stuff to do what relays used to do.
Dont get me wrong, PLC's are definitely a great improvement over relays, but the knowledge of relays needs to be preserved. On some simple jobs it just makes better sense to use relays than PLC's or other computers, which can be very complicated and expensive.
And it just makes good sense to learn "relay logic" before getting into PLC and computer controlled machinery.
My first offering is a very simple circuit that will turn on a motor for one revolution.
Pressing a button (PB1) will start the motor. The motor turns off when it reaches a revolution by activating another switch, called a limit switch, identified in this circuit as LS1.
(Click on the image to enlarge, hit your browsers BACK button to return here.)

Questions or comments?